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Case studies

Past Recipients

Notre Dame Refugee Centre (NDRC), London

Awarded amount


"The Notre Dame Refugee Centre (NDRC) is absolutely delighted to have received a grant from The Charles Plater Trust. The grant is making a significant contribution to enable us to continue with our work in assisting refugees and migrants who are victim to the current ‘hostile environment’. Our work has changed many lives for those living under the radar unaware of their human rights. We can only continue to do this with the support of funders and trusts such as The Charles Plater Trust.” Fr Martin McAnaney, Interim Director of NDRC.

Past Recipients

Parents And Children Together (PACT), South East

Awarded amount


"We are very grateful to The Charles Plater Trust for their generous grant, which aims to help 140 adopted children and their families through what are so often hugely difficult experiences at school. PACT’s specialist work with families and schools can do an enormous amount to make a vulnerable child feel safe and secure, and make the most of their learning opportunities.” Natausha van Vliet, CEO of Parents and Children Together (PACT)

Small & Large Grants

We are delighted to announce that our next small grants round will open on Monday 9th September 2024. Applicants have 4.5 weeks to submit a bid on our online system on this website. The closing date for small grant applications is Thurs 10th October 2024 by 5pm. We regret that late applications cannot be considered. All small grant applicants will know the trustees decision on their bid by 19th December 2024. This next large grants round will open in January 2025. Please keep an eye on our website for exact dates which will be published by 3rd January 2025. We look forward to receiving your application!

Meet Charles Plater

The Charles Plater Trust is a charitable organisation dedicated to advancing the work of Father Charles Plater by developing social justice through education. Established as the successor to the former Plater College, Oxford, the Trust makes grants to organisations throughout England and Wales in pursuit of the Plater vision in its modern context.

Social teaching for modern life

The Catholic Church has a rich tradition of social teaching, reaching from the early church fathers and philosophers of the past to the saints and activists of today.